I am eagerly, yet calmly awaiting the arrival of our visas. Okay, so that is slightly embellishing the truth (otherwise known as a big fat lie). I am angst ridden and nail biting as we speak, tired of waiting. Sigh. My poor index nail is red and torn. Double sigh.
None of this would have occurred if I'd done some research and gotten off my arse. I spent some time googling 'how aussies get a visa for russia' and found out that if you get someone (preferably a Russian citizen) to write you a 'letter of invitation', you can simply show up at the Consulate, fork over some cash and walk away same day, visa in hand. Not so.
If you are currently planning your own sojourn to the former USSR, please don't rely on this working quite so easily. Check out the Russian Consultate in your area for instructions. Here's the Russian Consulate in Sydney. All foreigners must have Russian visas. Just to make things a little easier for my fellow globe-trotters, I've included the link here so that you can download the application form. And remember if, like me, you are taking a little one on the road with you, they may also require their own visa.
I'm off to double cross my fingers and toes. Because this always works for me ;-)
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